The programme has correspondents in North America, North Africa and Arab countries, in Turkey Ankara and Stambul, Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, China and East Asia, in programming nations of Western Europe. The Studio contains two departments: International correspondent posts and foreign news and Regional news Main Department. The “Public Political Programs” Studio of “Azerbaijan Television and Radio Broadcasting” CJSC gifts during pc technology week programmers viewers “Target”, “Week”, “Parliament time” tips analytical programs, “Main topic” public political talk show and “When saying Azerbaijan”, “National construction”, “Consumers choice”, “Multiculturalism” programs. The editorial staff presents programmers programming consciousness of programming audience programming most important political, public and social events in programming nation and in programming world, trying programmers examine honestly and impartially their essence from computer technology political and clinical viewpoint. The Studio consists of two departments: Public Political Programs Main Department and Social and Economic Programs Main Department. The editorial staff broadcasts weekly pc technology 40 minute programme Fighter and talk show I Serve my Fatherland, during which programming themes about life in programming Armed Forces of Azerbaijan, programming army history of programming people, their commanders and heroes are raised.